The reason PvP is lifeless on RuneScape Gold   3, is because people do not wish to lose things when they die. The wilderness is indeed dead in fact that you have PvPers messaging individuals in Max Guild or Nex Bank which they are quitting and need to exchange their lender to them, this is part of a lure which makes people lose all their items if they fall for it. They do so since PvPers are toxic and greedy, also because there is not anybody to PvP from the wilderness. They make the community look bad to new Runescape players.

It is time for a change. We will need to remove the death mechanics of this wilderness, and include a wilderness tote that stores all wilderness drops in it. PvPers can kill Runescape players for their wilderness looting bags, but things on your stock and worn gear are safe. On the ground or your stock, it spawns the wilderness looting bag Rather than creature loot falling on the ground if your inventory is complete together with the items within. The tote is obviously dropped on death, and may be opened in a safe zone. Multiple luggage until it's 28 limitation, when picked up will unite into a single bag is full then you can have a second bag to store more drops inside.

This wouldn't be reasonable because pkers can do if they bank after every kill, danger free pking. There would be no incentive for pvmers or even skillers to fight back while there would be one for pkers to attack them.That is a valid point, perhaps there needs to be an alteration to this thought, like 80% of death prices dropping in addition to looting bags.If people must pay departure costs, they will continue to risk as little as they do now unless they are actively trying to PK. It's abusable When they don't.

This would make the wilderness more active, and PvP more enjoyable for people who do not abuse the system set up as it stands now (you know who you are). Additionally, it would also mean they could add the wilderness and new creatures, bosses and falls. I think making wilderness PvP safer gain the community greatly, and will make it covetous and toxic. It'll remove lurers from Runescape game entirely while retaining fun and rewarding Runescape participant versus Runescape player interactions.Also for men and women who prefer using jungle passing mechanics to Buy OSRS Gold Sale lose degradable equipment like achto, or tectonic, just make it so when you high alch those things you get the equivalent you would have gotten from the jungle by dying, or add a new skill similar to disassemble that really does it but doesn't give elements.