What's missing from the RuneScape Gold ? The heavyweight boxer in the world in the moment calls himself the gypsy king and no one bats an eye. And everybody in pollnivneach is called Ali because his will was abandoned by the old mayor Ali; but no one came. Therefore it became tradition to name yourself and kid it to attempt to maintain. But the Ali change is pure pandering. There is literally lore behind it, and it is a single area in the desert. It would not be the first time they made a switch that applies to 2 games yet made the gap for one. They didn't bother to modify the Romeo and Juilet pursuit though this was apparently a copyright problem with RS3, as it's launch back in 2013 yet it has been in OSRS. There was never any copyright issue; all of Shakespeare's works are in the public domain.The copyright/trademark dilemma was with the nurses hat bearing the red cross /u/g_snn However it's still reddish on OSRS.It's not a trademark or copyright, those perish. It's part of the Geneva convention and immediately protected by country legislation. You can play pre-history, post-apocalypse horror, epic fantasy, sci-fi, steampunk, and some unique genre settings. There's all sorts of experience modules from 1 page dungeons to novels comprising of arbitrary tables into megadungeons to lavishly-detailed settings. What do you think is missing? Are there any genres, sourcebooks, and resources you'd like to get this dont exist? Is there something that you think the RS Mobile gold would be good at that it has not done yet?