How to change product grid Product Style
I got some question about change product grid layout to old version. This post will guide you how to do it :

- Default new version product layout like this one


So,  to change back to our old grid style. you can goto Admin / POS / Setting / Pos layout setting / Pos custom css Field



and enter this css code to that field :

.product-main-list .product-item-container .product-item-detail{
   background-size: 100%!important;
   background-position: center center!important;
.product-item-container .product-info{
	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7215686274509804);
.product-info .product-price {
    text-align: center!important;
    color: #fff!important;
.product-info .product-sku,
.product-info .product-name  {
    text-align: center!important;
.product-info .product-name span {
    color: #ff6d00!important;

Click update setting . And goto POS , REFRESH POS page again to see the effect:


That Done.

There are good custom CSS style from customer , I think it good for other customers:

Custom CSS code: 

.product-main-list .product-item-container .product-item-detail{
   background-size: 100%!important;
   background-position: center center!important;
   border-radius: 10px;

.product-item-container .product-info{
    border-radius: 10px!important;

div.product-info .product-price {
    text-align: center!important;
    color: #fff!important;

.product-info .product-sku,
.product-info .product-name  {
    text-align: center!important;


 .product-info .product-name span {
    color: #fafafa!important;


div.product-info .product-sku span {
    display: none!important;
    display: none!important;
    text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px black;
And Result:


Let enjoy with OpenPOS