Types of Hackers: Understanding the different players in cybersecurity
White Hat
Ethical hackers who help organizations find & fix security vulnerabilities. They work with permission to improve cybersecurity.
Black Hat
Malicious hackers who exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain or to cause harm. They operate illegally without authorization.
Grey Hat
Operate in the middle ground - may find vulnerabilities without permission but report them to be fixed rather than exploit them.
Script Kiddie
Inexperienced hackers who use existing scripts and tools created by others. Limited technical knowledge but can still cause damage.
Hackers driven by social or political causes. They use their skills to promote political agendas, social change, or ideology.
Professional hackers backed by governments. Focus on cyber espionage, intelligence gathering, and critical infrastructure attacks.
Read more: https://www.infosectrain.com/tag/types-of-ethical-hacking/
#TypesOfHackers #CyberSecurity #EthicalHacking #WhiteHatHackers #BlackHatHackers #GreyHatHackers #Hacktivism #CyberCrime #InformationSecurity #PenetrationTesting #SecurityAwareness #HackerCulture #infosectrain
White Hat
Ethical hackers who help organizations find & fix security vulnerabilities. They work with permission to improve cybersecurity.
Black Hat
Malicious hackers who exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain or to cause harm. They operate illegally without authorization.
Grey Hat
Operate in the middle ground - may find vulnerabilities without permission but report them to be fixed rather than exploit them.
Script Kiddie
Inexperienced hackers who use existing scripts and tools created by others. Limited technical knowledge but can still cause damage.
Hackers driven by social or political causes. They use their skills to promote political agendas, social change, or ideology.
Professional hackers backed by governments. Focus on cyber espionage, intelligence gathering, and critical infrastructure attacks.
Read more: https://www.infosectrain.com/tag/types-of-ethical-hacking/
#TypesOfHackers #CyberSecurity #EthicalHacking #WhiteHatHackers #BlackHatHackers #GreyHatHackers #Hacktivism #CyberCrime #InformationSecurity #PenetrationTesting #SecurityAwareness #HackerCulture #infosectrain
Types of Hackers: Understanding the different players in cybersecurity
➡️White Hat
Ethical hackers who help organizations find & fix security vulnerabilities. They work with permission to improve cybersecurity.
➡️Black Hat
Malicious hackers who exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain or to cause harm. They operate illegally without authorization.
➡️Grey Hat
Operate in the middle ground - may find vulnerabilities without permission but report them to be fixed rather than exploit them.
➡️Script Kiddie
Inexperienced hackers who use existing scripts and tools created by others. Limited technical knowledge but can still cause damage.
Hackers driven by social or political causes. They use their skills to promote political agendas, social change, or ideology.
Professional hackers backed by governments. Focus on cyber espionage, intelligence gathering, and critical infrastructure attacks.
Read more: https://www.infosectrain.com/tag/types-of-ethical-hacking/
#TypesOfHackers #CyberSecurity #EthicalHacking #WhiteHatHackers #BlackHatHackers #GreyHatHackers #Hacktivism #CyberCrime #InformationSecurity #PenetrationTesting #SecurityAwareness #HackerCulture #infosectrain
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